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Our work with schools focuses on the use of horticulture in the curriculum and we want to get the whole school community gardening.
We have been involved with all sorts of different projects since the Trust was founded. Each initiative has built on the last and included School Grounds competitions, training days for teachers, practical advice and for the last eight years our very successful Wheelbarrow Workshops.
Over this time we have visited 174 primary schools in Hertfordshire and delivered 510 workshops. If you like numbers, that is approximately 15,000 children who have been introduced to some plant science and had the chance to grow and nurture a plant of their own which is edible or produces something that is.
School gardening has changed hugely and is here to stay with the new curriculum as it can deliver so many messages from healthy eating to Key Stage 2 science with its focus on observation. The RHS now have really great resources on their website covering all stages of learning and lessons plans to accompany them and a school gardening benchmark scheme. We want to look at different ways of supporting you.
School Resources
Garden Information Sheets and other resources for schools

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