Week 3: June 9th with Kate Harwood – The Modernist Art Movements of the 1920s – The influence of art movements such as abstractionism, cubism, expressionism on post war landscapes and the work of Philip Hicks, Frederick Gibberd, Geoffrey Jellicoe, Richard Sudell and others. The Room Outside – John Brookes’ room outside and courtyard designs. Preben Jakobsen and others. Tickets for this individual lecture are available for £3.00 for HGT members and £6.00 for non-members via the Eventbrite link here.
Options for Attendees:
You may purchase a ticket for the entire course of 5 lectures at a cost of £15.00 for HGT members and £30.00 for non members via the Eventbrite link here. Purchasing this one ticket provides access to the entire course of 5 lectures as well as access to the recording of each lecture.
You may prefer to purchase tickets for individual lectures at a cost of £3.00 for HGT members and £6.00 for non-members via the Eventbrite links below. Purchasing a ticket for an individual lecture also gives access to the recording of that lecture.