Discovering the Real Repton
Chairs: Stephen Daniels and Tom Williamson
A Symposium to highlight the work done by the County Gardens Trusts for Repton’s bicentenary
10.00 – 10.30
Coffee and registration
10.30 – 11.30
- Dorset: Sarah Fitzgerald: Sans Souci, a ‘new’ Repton site discovered
- LPGT: Chris Sumner on Repton in London
- Lincolnshire: Steffie Shields Water in the Landscape: Rediscovered Red Book for Normanton Park
11.30 – 12.30
- Hertfordshire: Toby Parker on Repton and East India Company Patronage
- Yorkshire: Patrick Eyres Repton and the War Profiteers
- Sussex: Judy Tarling on An Evening’s Entertainment in Sussex
6b. The Glees
30 mins questions/discussion
13.00 – 14.15 Lunch
Free time to explore exhibition and displays
14.15 – 15.15
- Kent: Hugh Vaux on Montreal: a Repton landscape interpreted
- Buckinghamshire: Claire de Carle Parrots, Pineapples and Pȗckler
- Wales: Glynis Shaw: Good Taste and Druids, Repton in Wales
15.15 – 16.05
- Surrey: Sarah Dickinson on tracking down a Hardenburg and what would have been planted in it (18c plantings)
- Hertfordshire: Kate Harwood Jack the Giant-Slayer: Restoration of a Repton landscape
- Linden Groves: HLF Project
Tom Williamson: What we have learned about Repton this year: round-up
30 mins questions/discussion
17.00 – 19.30
Drinks reception
Further details will be available from the Gardens Trust:
The Garden Museum, 5 Lambeth Palace Road, London SE1 7LB