Our Garden Galleries

Jun 11, 2020

We do hope you have stayed well, enjoyed the weather and your gardens and managed to remain positive in these strange times.

HGT would by now have visited our first garden in Essex and been on the first walk to Forty Hall. If you are missing these and a fix of other gardens, we have organised something slightly different and new for our members.

We now have some pages here on the website for photographs of members’ gardens or a favourite Hertfordshire view that you have encountered on a walk. To view our gardens, click on the Parks and Gardens link above. You will then see in the drop-down menu, a link to Members’ Gardens.

If you would like to offer photographs of your garden which you would be happy to share with other members, please send digital images to membership@hertsgardenstrust.org.uk. Please send a maximum of six in the first instance.

Here is a link to the National Gardens Scheme website www.ngs.org.uk where some members have done a virtual tour of their garden in place of opening to the public. 

With best wishes,
The Executive Committee