After our very fruitful discussions concerning the new Trust Constitution at our recent AGM held on 16th July 2024 at Greys Farm, we have sent out to all members a formal notice for a Special General Meeting to be held on 23rd August 2024 in the garden (weather permitting) of our Vice-President and his wife, Christopher and Susie Melluish at Thundridge Hill House, Cold Christmas, Ware SG12 0UE.
Together with a copy of the proposed Constitution the mailing also included a proxy form. We ask all of you who are unable to come to Thundridge on 23 August to complete the proxy form. It is vital that as many members as possible let us know their views on this vital document needed by the Trust to comply with Charity Commission regulations. Please note that there have been no changes made to the draft presented at the AGM. Thank you to those who have already returned the forms to me. You are welcome to send the form by post to Ridgeways, Holly Grove Road, Bramfield, Herts SG14 2QH or by email to
For those intending to come to Thundridge please do let us know so that we can make catering arrangements. It would be helpful if you could bring a garden chair and your cup too!