Walled Garden Research Project

Aug 31, 2024

At our first meeting on August 13th at Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies (HALS) we decided to use the 2nd edition 25” OS maps (as they can be seen at HALS and the National Library of Scotland have them online), to create a list of the walled gardens in Hertfordshire.  We are going to record our findings on a pro forma so we can easily compare results.

The county was divided by district council (there are 10 of them) and each person was allocated maps to look at.  After the list is compiled a more detailed look at the sites will be needed.  There will be plenty of research to be done by anyone who is interested.  We will be meeting again in early October and when the date is finalised it will be put on the website.  If you would like to join us, you are very welcome.  Please email Barbara by email – zoomevents@hertsgardenstrust.org.uk if interested.