Research & Conservation

The Research Group and HGT Conservation Officer work closely together, pooling expertise to protect what survives of Hertfordshire’s unique heritage of parks and gardens.

Good historical research led to the re-discovery of an important feature of the landscape designed by Charles Bridgeman in Tring Park – lost in scrub and woodland. In partnership with The Woodland Trust and the HLF we restored his rond-point high on the chalk escarpment and opened up a fantastic view.

At Panshanger Park research in the Hertfordshire Archives led to a book of estate accounts detailing the excavation of the lake designed by Humphry Repton in 1799. Amongst the extraction costs was proof that Repton himself was on site supervising the landscaping – rare evidence that helped convince site-owner Tarmac of the importance of the Broadwater and led the company to change its excavation plans.

Research Planning Meeting at HALS, Hertford

Tuesday August 13th 2024 10.00 am to 1.00 pm A meeting was held on March 16th to discuss the way forward for research by those of our members who were interested. It was decided that walled gardens would be an interesting and fruitful topic and would be one that could...

Volunteer Fair

Hertfordshire Gardens Trust members at the Volunteer Fair in Hitchin marketplace A number of HGT members manned a stall throughout the day at the Volunteer Fair in Hitchin, speaking to members of the public about our work and the volunteering opportunities we...

Hertfordshire Gardens Trust AGM 2024

Hertfordshire Gardens Trust AGM 2024

The Hertfordshire Gardens Trust AGM will be held at Greys Farm, Therfield on 16 July 2024 by kind invitation of Edward & Annie Darling. We are in for a treat – I am told the Coronation Meadow, which is in the top left hand corner of the photo, will be in full...

Research Group take on a new Project

At a meeting at Woolmer Green village hall the Research Group decided to make walled gardens the subject of their next project. In August there will be a meeting at HALS to look at old maps and resources that could be used. We will collate old research from earlier...

New Winter Talk Programme

The programme for the 23/24 winter season has been organised by the HGT events team.  This year the talks will be a combination of zoom and live talks at Woolmer Green Village Hall.  Tickets must be purchased through Eventbrite, the links are alongside each event....

25th Anniversary of the Buckinghamshire Gardens Trust

This is the 25th Anniversary Year of the Buckinghamshire Gardens Trust.  They have an extensive programme of events throughout the year at venues across Buckinghamshire which are open to all.  Please go to: The Links to the...

HGT 30th Anniversary Walks

HGT 30th Anniversary Walks

To celebrate our 30th anniversary, HGT have put together two new walks in Hertfordshire. The first tracks the path of the Gadebridge river in Hemel Hempstead, passing through the newly renovated Jellicoe Water Gardens. The second takes in the landmarks of Letchworth...

Enticing Paths – A Treasury of Norfolk Gardens and Gardening

Enticing Paths – A Treasury of Norfolk Gardens and Gardening

The Norfolk Gardens Trust is delighted to announce the launch of their latest publication. Enticing Paths, edited by Roger Last, looks at aspects of gardens and gardening in Norfolk over five centuries. It ranges across the whole spectrum of gardens and garden design...

New HGT Chairman – Sue Flood

It was a chilly and drizzly evening when we met at Benington Lordship for our AGM in early September.  Thank you to all who attended.  It was an honour and a real pleasure to be elected as your next chairman.  There have been two lovely people previously in this role,...

Our Garden Galleries

Our Garden Galleries

We do hope you have stayed well, enjoyed the weather and your gardens and managed to remain positive in these strange times. HGT would by now have visited our first garden in Essex and been on the first walk to Forty Hall. If you are missing these and a fix of other...