Beach Huts in Hitchin?

Mar 5, 2017

The last remaining Detached Gardens in Hertfordshire – which have been called Inland Beach Huts – are threatened by proposals from HCC for housing on them.


This would be a disastrous loss of a unique piece of our garden heritage and HGT has already alerted Historic England, Herts HER and others who can help save them.. 


A local group, Gaping Lane Historic Gardens Association, successfully applied to have them Registered as a Community Asset. They invited  HGT to work with them to put the case for community garden use – as at Hill Close Gardens in Warwick – and  to save these gardens, NOT allotments, from the bulldozers. 75% of the gardens have already been gobbled up by Samuel Lucas School and its playing fields.


More details of Detached Gardens and the Park Piece (now Gaping Lane) ones can be found via the links below and details on the Hill Close Gardens here



Detached Gardens


Gaping Lane Detached Gardens


Statement of Signficance for Gaping Lane Detached Gardens