We do hope you have stayed well, enjoyed the weather and your gardens and managed to remain positive in these strange times. HGT would by now have visited our first garden in Essex and been on the first walk to Forty Hall. If you are missing these and a fix of other...
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Village 7 Gilston Garden Village
Here is the text of a letter The Gardens Trust and the Hertfordshire Gardens Trust have sent to East Herts Council Planners. Context: Recently HGT, following research by Anne Rowe and Tom Williamson were successful in having henry VIII’s great pond chain along the...
New book: Structure and Landscape
William Wilkins and Humphry Repton at Haileybury 1806‐1810 edited by Toby Parker and Kate Harwood The Study Day organised by HGT at Haileybury in 2015 presented new information about the construction of the East India College and its Landscape. These Proceedings of...
The State of our Parks
A report commissioned by The Gardens Trust written by Katy Layton-Jones with the assistance of others including Kate Harwood of HGT. Please download a copy: Uncertain Prospects: Public parks in the new age of austerity
Woodhall Park Study Day
The Capability Men Jenny Milledge and Kate Harwood organised a memorable Study Day in the elegant surroundings of Woodhall Park (Figure 1) as part of the CB300 celebrations and at the invitation of the current owner of Woodhall, Mr Ralph Abel Smith. In devising the...
Hatfield Study Day
‘Not in My back Yard?’ A Collaborative Approach to Development In the spacious surroundings of the Riding School 44 delegates were treated to talks on three very different aspects of conservation and development. Kate Harwood’s first slide (Figure 1.) was a shocking...
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